Deep Tissue & Cupping Therapy

with massage therapist

Khammi Hurd, lmt

Meet Khammi

Meet Khammi Hurd and welcome to her orbit.

Khammi has been a practicing massage therapist for nearly a decade, having gotten her license in 2014 at A New Beginning School of Massage right here in Austin. Before massage entered her life, Khammi grew up in Oklahoma and later went to art school in Baltimore with a focus on painting. She moved to Austin in 2009 where she caught the enlightenment and wellness bug. On top of becoming certified in massage, she is also a trained yoga therapist with a faithful study of the yoga sutras and an extensive personal background in yoga.

Khammi follows the ayurvedic holistic healing system which informs her approach as a massage, a yoga therapist, and just generally as a person. At her personal studio (located in Southeast Austin), Khammi uses techniques ranging from energetic metaphysical work to deeply felt physical touch modalities. These include deep tissue, neuromuscular therapy, cupping therapy, myofascial release, trigger point, pre-natal massage, Lomi Lomi, craniosacral therapy, breathing techniques, and Reiki. In her practice, Khammi equally values using evidence-based bodywork and wisdom tradition-based energy work grounded in holistic principles. She can be as no-nonsense medical or as out there and “woo-woo” in her approach as you’re looking for. She even has a science witch tattoo on her back in celebration of blending these disciplines!

No matter the technique used, Khammi operates from a client-first perspective to always honor your experience and requests for the session. She is here to help you work with your body in pursuit of balance and alignment. 

Because why should only the stars and planets get to be aligned?

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Khammi’s initial working experience as a massage therapist was at a deep tissue studio known for vigorously pulverizing their clients and, well, she fit right in. Khammi has what those in the massage business call “strong hands” so you never have to worry about getting deep enough pressure with her. In her own practice, Khammi has set aside pulverizing to work with clients on finding the right level of therapeutic discomfort for their body. It’s not deep tissue just for the sake of feeling sore the next day, but neuromuscular and corrective massage therapy implemented to work through layers of resistance to achieve release and facilitate alignment. 

  • This is what Khammi strives for in every session and aspect of life.

    There’s a pervasive idea in certain wellness spaces that your body needs to be “fixed” or is somehow in opposition to you, but that’s just not the case. Pain, tension, and limited range of motion don’t feel good, of course, but this is all information from your body that can be processed to work towards alignment. Deep tissue is a great tool for this but it’s not the only option Khammi has in her arsenal.

  • Cupping therapy, can make bodywork even more efficient and allows the effects to last for longer between sessions. Khammi focuses on fascia with her cupping techniques to let the cups unwind adhesions, bring in fresh blood to stagnant areas, and delaminate layers of sticky tissue before they can even think about becoming a problem. Cupping creates a feeling of space and ease in the body by pulling deep layers of muscle and tissue up and out. Gravity, whomst?

  • Depending on what you come into the session with, deep tissue might not be what the massage therapist (Khammi) calls for. Craniosacral therapy is a deceptively gentle touch technique that focuses on balancing your unique craniosacral rhythm. It’s extremely effective and an excellent treatment for headaches, migraines, TMJ, neck pain, and hip imbalances. Khammi also practices traditional energy work through Reiki but there is an element to energy work in all of her sessions.

  • As a Yoga Therapist, Khammi can give personalized yoga and stretching routines. A personalized yoga practice is a great way to move into alignment and address imbalance within the body and self outside of your sessions with Khammi. She will work with you to create a routine that reflects your goals and can be adapted over time as your mobility and presence within your body grows.